After you have inserted the Heart of Darkness CD-ROM into the drive, the ôHeart of Darkness Installationö window appears.
Click on ôNextö, then follow the instructions, answering the questions you are asked.
If the ôHeart of Darkness Installationö dialogue window does not appear (ôAutoplayö is disabled or the Heart of Darkness CD-
ROM was already in the drive), double-click on My Computer on the desktop, and then on the Heart of Darkness icon
corresponding to your CD-ROM; the ôHeart of Darkness Installationö dialogue window appears.
Click on ôNextö, then follow the instructions, answering the questions you are asked.
Both these operations create a Heart of Darkness folder on your hard disk and add a short-cut to Heart of Darkness in the
ôStart/Programs/Heart of Darknessö menu.
During the installation, you are asked whether you want to install DirectX5. Select this option if you have not already installed
this component (or if you do not know), and reboot Windows when installation is completed.
By default, Heart of Darkness is installed in the directory C:\Program Files\Heart of Darkness.
Running the game
When installation has been completed, the window of the ôStart/Programs/Heart of Darknessö menu appears, giving you the
opportunity, among several options, to run the program by double-clicking on ôHeart of Darkness - The gameö. When you play
Heart of Darkness again, the ôHeart of Darknessö window will appear when you insert the CD-ROM into the drive, with several
options including ôStart Gameö. If the ôHeart of Darknessö window does not appear (ôAutoplayö is disabled or the Heart of
Darkness CD-ROM was already in the drive), click on the ôStartö menu and select ôHeart of Darkness - The gameö in the
ôStart/Programs/Heart of Darknessö menu.
Uninstalling Heart of Darkness
Click on the ôStartö menu in the Windows task bar, and select ôTo uninstall Heart of Darkness û The Gameö in the
ôStart/Programs/Heart of Darknessö menu.
Saving games
The game is saved automatically as you play.
Accessing the menus and options
From the initial screen choose ôOptionsö or, at any time during the game, press the Esc key (refer to ômenus and optionsö).
From this menu, you can choose the difficulty level or the means of control, adjust the sound volume, access saved levels, start
a new game, view a cinematic sequence or quit the game.
If you cannot move around and select menu options with the arrow keys, please make sure that your game controller has been correctly configured under Windows and also that it is in the neutral position.
Re-configure the game controller and re-start the game.
The Esc key can also be used to pause the game and then resume it at the exact point where you left it.
Configuring the joystick/Gamepad
You can play by using the keyboard, a joystick or a gamepad. Plug the joystick or gamepad into the appropriate socket in the
rear of the computer. In ôMy Computerö, click on ôGame Controllersö in the ôControl Panelö menu. Click on ôAddö to select a
controller, then use the ôPropertiesö button to perform the configuration tests for your game controllers.
The game can reproduce up to 16 stereo audio channels. With high-quality loudspeakers, you can get the most out of the
sound effects and the music, specially composed by Bruce Broughton and performed by a symphony orchestra.
menus and options
You can access the options menus from the initial screen by selecting ôOptionsö (see above) or at any time during the game by
pressing the Esc key on your keyboard. In the second case you are then prompted to quit the game in order to access the
options. You can access the various options menus by exploring AndyÆs tree house. Select the menus you want by using the left
and right arrow keys and confirm by pressing one of the action buttons.
New game
Just confirm to start a new game.
Current game
Confirm to resume a current game at the restart point closest to where you stopped (the restart points are saved automatically
as you play the game).
Save game
When you confirm, you access a menu where you can choose a restart level and then a restart screen. The ones that are
accessible depend on how far you have got in the game. Use the arrow keys to select the level that you want to access, then
confirm. Next, choose the screen at which you would like to restart, then confirm.
Show cinematics
When you confirm, you access the menu in which you can choose a cinematic sequence from the game that you want to see
again. The accessible sequences are those that you have already viewed as you play the game. Use the arrow keys to choose a
sequence, then confirm.
Quit game
Confirm to quit the program irreversibly.
When you confirm, you access a menu that allows you to set up the keyboard, the gamepad and the joystick, to choose the
difficulty level and to adjust the sound volume.
Controls: Choose either ôKeyboardö or ôGamepad/Joystickö to access the set-up menu. Select one of AndyÆs actions (run, jump,
fire, special power) and press the key on the keyboard or on the gamepad or joystick button that you want to assign to the
action. To test your settings, use the ôTestö function. If you want to go back to the keys defined by default, use the ôResetö
function, or quit the set-up menu and clear these settings by pressing ôCancelö.
Difficulty level: You can choose between ôEasyö, ôNormalö and ôHardö. The behaviour of your enemies, their aggressiveness and
their number vary according to the selected level.
Sound options: You can adjust the sound volume using the left and right arrow keys. To test your settings, use the ôTestö
function. If you decide to go back to the volume defined by default, use the ôResetö function or quit the set-up menu and clear
these settings by pressing ôCancelö.
Technical problems
In Windows 95 / Windows 98
In order for ôHeart of Darknessö to run under optimum conditions, the drivers of your various peripheral devices must be
certified by DirectX5 or better. To make sure, go to the ôprogram files\directx\setupö directory on your hard disk and double-
click on the file ôDxsetup.exeö. The compatibility of your drivers is summarized in a table. All the lines must be marked
ôcertifiedö. If this is not the case, you must obtain the latest version of the driver concerned, then reinstall DirectX5 from the
ôHeart of Darknessö CD-ROM. Without this certification, graphics problems (small ôcolour flashesö when changing menus,
modification of the graphic palette, etc.) or sound problems (interrupted sound, looped sound, etc.) may occur.
In Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3
ôHeart of Darknessö is a program designed for Windows 95 and Windows 98. It also runs in Windows NT 4.0 service pack 3
with the following reservation: as full compatibility of DirectX with Windows NT 4.0 service pack3 is not guaranteed, graphics or
sound faults may occur, depending on your hardware configuration.
Operation with slow CD-ROM drive
If your CD-ROM drive has a transfer rate less than or equal to that of a standard double-speed drive, minor sound and graphics
faults (still image and looped sound for two seconds) may occur temporarily and recurrently while cinematic scenes are being
Set-up details for Matrox Mystique video cards
If you have a Matrox Mystique video card and you observe intermittent graphics faults when switching between menus, click
with the right button of your mouse on the Windows 95 or Windows 98 desktop, then click on ôpropertiesö in the contextual
menu that appears. Click on the ôMGA configurationö tab, then on the ôAdvancedö or ôPowerDeskö button, then on the
ôperformanceö tab, then check the ôSwitching between pages during vertical sweepö option. Reboot your computer and run
ôHeart of Darknessö again.
Keyboard set-up
If you cannot use certain keys, set up by default or by yourself, to perform all the actions described in the guide (for example, if
you cannot fire up and to the left), change the setup of these keys in the options/controls/keyboard menu.
Technical support
If you experience problems when installing the game or at any other time, you can contact our Hotline Service, making sure you
have the answers ready to the following questions:
Type of computer (name, microprocessor, etc.)
Amount of RAM
Make and model of CD-ROM drive, graphics card and sound card.
Before you contact us, read the chapters dealing with installation and technical problems in this guide and the readme file
accessible from Autoplay or in Start/Programs/Heart of Darkness/Read ReadMe; you may find a solution to your problem there.
Helpline Infogrames UK
Tel: 0161 827 8060
Fax: 0161 827 8091
For further information and Heart of Darkness updates, visit the official web site: http ://
For all types of information about Ocean games, visit the web site: http ://
Amazing Studio, the Amazing Studio logo, Heart of Darkness, and the Heart of Darkness logo are registered trade marks of
Amazing Studio S.A.R.L.
Infogrames, the Infogrames logo, Ocean, and the Ocean logo are registered trade marks of Infogrames Entertainement S.A.
Microsoft, Windows, DirectX and their logos are registered trade marks of the Microsoft Corporation.